Music Archive

Large Plants — “The Thorn”

Lovers of the more overt­ly psy­che­del­ic side of Ghost Box’s out­put take notice: Large Plants are back with some medieval, baroque, Fair­port Con­ven­tion-inspired psych-folk-rock with Novem­ber’s The Thorn.

War­bly, tape-dis­tressed gui­tars twin­kle over crisp, mar­tial drum­work in a haze of deep rever­ie. Take your shoes off, grab your edi­bles, and find a shag car­pet to lie on for this one.

Ghost Box · Large Plants — The Thorn (clips)

The album releas­es on Novem­ber 17 and is avail­able for pre-order.

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White Poppy — “Sound of Blue”

The Cocteau Twins-inspired cov­er art for White Pop­py’s new LP Sound of Blue is indica­tive enough of the music there­in: gauzy, dreamy, soporif­ic. Cas­cad­ing, reverbed-to-hell gui­tar chimes and whis­per­ing, coo-ing vocals wash over you for its short, 38-minute runtime.

Also be sure to check out her awe­some Neoc­i­ties site.

I’ll always rec­om­mend any­thing from this artist, so no sur­pris­es here. On the Not Not Fun label.

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